Saya punya pengalaman seputar kendali motor servo menggunakan produk MITSUBISHI.
PLC yang saya pakai: Tipe FX2N
Pulse generator: F2N-1PG
Driver Motor Servo : MR-J2S
Ternyata penggunaannya cukup mudah. Manual yang diperlukan bisa dicari di situs MITSUBISHI.
Pertama kali saya memulai, manual MITSUBISHI sangat membingungkan. Setelah dipelajari beberapa lama, akhirnya saya mengetahui ternyata manual yang paling penting dibaca adalah manual dari F2N-1PG.
Untuk memulai, yang harus dilakukan adalah men-seting semua BFM dengan perintah "FROM-TO" dari PLC (manual F2N-1PG). Untuk berlatih sebaiknya coba contoh program yang ada di manual F2N-1PG mulai halaman 9-9.
Jangan lupa pula untuk men-set rasio gear elektronic yang terdapat di driver motor MR-J2S, Seting parameter 3 dan 4, P003 dan P004 yaitu CMX dan CDV secara manual melui keypad yang ada pada driver. Rumus/persamaan bisa di baca di halaman 5-28 pada manual MR-J2S, dimana "f" adalah nilai setiing F2N-1PG pada BFM 4 dan 5 yaitu max speed (maksimal 100.000), yang dalam kasus saya saya beri nilai 100.000. "No" adalah ecepatan maksimal motor servo yang dipakai (biasanya 3000 atau 2000 RPM), sedangkan Pt adalah rate dari encoder motor servo, untuk MITSUBISHI bernilai 131072. Nilai hasil perhitungan di inputkan ke dalam parameter CMX/CDV, numerator diisikan pada nilai CMX (P003) dan denumerator diisikan pada nilai CDV (P004). Misal CMX/CDV = 0.25 =1/4, maka CMX diisi 1 dan CDV diisi 4.
Taraaaaaaa motor sevo MITSUBISHI bekerja dan dapat memberikan keakuratan dalam orde micro meter dengan kecepatan maksimalnya adalah kecepatan maksimal motor servo yang digunakan.
Seandaiya menemui kesulitan menemukan manual, dapat anda download di link berikut:
PLC FX2N Hardware Manual --->
PLC FX2N Hardware Manual --->
Driver motor MR-J2S --->
Pulse Generator F2N-1PG ---->
27 Sept 2010
25 Jul 2010
Beralih keBahasa Indonesia
Terlalu berat nulis pake bahasa Ingris, Memang lidah ma tanganku lokal punya..... wkwkwkwkw
mulai postingan ini aku pakai bahasa indonesia aja.
Ternyata postingan tentang dasar- dasar PID sudah banyak di Internet, dari yang pemula sampai yang expert.
Coba saja buka wikipedia atau googling aja.
Yang mungkin masih kurang hanya penjelasan-penjelasan logis mengenai teknik kontrol terebut.
Mulai posting setelah ini akan saya tulis tik dan trips yang saya kuasai selama ini. OK. Mari majukan dunia automasi Indonesia.....
Terlalu berat nulis pake bahasa Ingris, Memang lidah ma tanganku lokal punya..... wkwkwkwkw
mulai postingan ini aku pakai bahasa indonesia aja.
Ternyata postingan tentang dasar- dasar PID sudah banyak di Internet, dari yang pemula sampai yang expert.
Coba saja buka wikipedia atau googling aja.
Yang mungkin masih kurang hanya penjelasan-penjelasan logis mengenai teknik kontrol terebut.
Mulai posting setelah ini akan saya tulis tik dan trips yang saya kuasai selama ini. OK. Mari majukan dunia automasi Indonesia.....
19 Jul 2010
Articles about control
PID is difficult? PID is easy?
PID for a fool?
*** What is PID? ***
There are many definitions of PID, but my intention here is PID as a control method.
PID is a method of control (not object) whose performance has been tested in the field. Though now there are so many other control methods that 'more sophisticated', PID method is not left, otherwise more users now.
Ever mentioned that PID control system was first implemented around the 1910s as the autopilot control systems on Elmer Sperry ships. Even it is said, especially for proportional control strategy was implemented in 2000 years ago in the days of ancient Babylonian and Greek that is used as a water level control system.
In an article, describes the first commercial PID module in the form of an analog electronic circuit made by Taylor Instruments company in 1939.
based on the survey: nearly 97% industry engaged in the process, continue to use PID control module as a base for controlling the process variables. (source Honeywell,2000)
PID control methods easily applied in various types of controllers.
Besides easy, PID is also very powerful if applied correctly.
PID is stands for (Proportional-Integral-Derivative). It's qquite daunting when viewed from the stands.
Too mathematical? may be wrong, maybe right. Do not worry, we'll discuss it more logically, not just mathematical.
PID control is actually a combination of the three types of control, ie proportional control, integral control and deferential control.
Then there is the question, whether the controls can be used separately? can be yes or may not, we will discuss it further later.
To learn more about PID, first we should know about the term LOOP (open-loop and closed-loop) complete with the term "reference", "error", and "output". We should also know the term "plant" and "controllers".
These terms will be discussed one by one in the next post.
* From many sources
PID is difficult? PID is easy?
PID for a fool?
*** What is PID? ***
There are many definitions of PID, but my intention here is PID as a control method.
PID is a method of control (not object) whose performance has been tested in the field. Though now there are so many other control methods that 'more sophisticated', PID method is not left, otherwise more users now.
Ever mentioned that PID control system was first implemented around the 1910s as the autopilot control systems on Elmer Sperry ships. Even it is said, especially for proportional control strategy was implemented in 2000 years ago in the days of ancient Babylonian and Greek that is used as a water level control system.
In an article, describes the first commercial PID module in the form of an analog electronic circuit made by Taylor Instruments company in 1939.
based on the survey: nearly 97% industry engaged in the process, continue to use PID control module as a base for controlling the process variables. (source Honeywell,2000)
PID control methods easily applied in various types of controllers.
Besides easy, PID is also very powerful if applied correctly.
PID is stands for (Proportional-Integral-Derivative). It's qquite daunting when viewed from the stands.
Too mathematical? may be wrong, maybe right. Do not worry, we'll discuss it more logically, not just mathematical.
PID control is actually a combination of the three types of control, ie proportional control, integral control and deferential control.
Then there is the question, whether the controls can be used separately? can be yes or may not, we will discuss it further later.
To learn more about PID, first we should know about the term LOOP (open-loop and closed-loop) complete with the term "reference", "error", and "output". We should also know the term "plant" and "controllers".
These terms will be discussed one by one in the next post.
* From many sources
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